
Welcome to my blog! Here is where you'll finding me rambling about a variety of subjects, including my family, vintage, thrifting, Etsy shops I love, and more!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Yummy Vegetarian Dinner

Katherine's Vegetarian Creation

Not made by me, but made my adorable 18 year old daughter, Katherine, the vegetarian!  She's been a vegetarian for several years, and she's learned how to incorporate plenty of protein and other nutrients a growing girl needs (along with help from her pediatrician)!

Last night she made this healthy meal, and it is so good, I knew I had to share it.  I'm not a food photographer, so my picture does not do it justice!  She even arranged it on a cute white square plate!

We need to come up with a cute name for her veggie creation!  I mixed all mine up and ate it that way!

Frozen veggies
Includes lentils, a frozen veggie mix (any kind you like), and my favorite Trader Joe's Harvest Grains Blend, which has a healthy, delicious blend of couscous, orzo, baby garbanzo beans & red quinoa!

Trader's Jose Harvet Grains Blend
Believe me, I love a good filet mignon every now and then, but Katherine's creations are so good too!

You can eat healthy, it can still be quick and easy, and tasty too!

Try it out!

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