
Welcome to my blog! Here is where you'll finding me rambling about a variety of subjects, including my family, vintage, thrifting, Etsy shops I love, and more!

Friday, January 6, 2012

A cute kitty

Yes, I am aware that I ramble on about twitter!  But I just had an epiphany (and if you know me you're probably surprised I know that word, I learned it from buying fake jewelry on QVC).

This post isn't just about twitter, but about social media.  It just so happens, twitter is the best social media (in my opinion).

If you read my tweets, you know I refer to facebook as "the library".  Very quiet (and kind of boring). 

Twitter is like a party that goes on all the time.  Even at 8:00 am in the morning, I feel like I should have a cocktail in my hand (I haven't tried that yet)

Back to my epiphany. 

What has social media taught me? Not to judge people on their appearance.  Now when I see people, I think, they could be one of my twitter friends!

You get to know the person before you actually see them (or you may never see them, in most cases)!

You know them.  You know their families.  You know their likes and dislikes.  You know their hobbies.  You know them!  

I will never understand people that "don't get twitter".  What is there to "get"?  It's quick, fun, and sometimes (often) crazy, like me!

We're all basically the same!  We want to be acknowledged, we want to be heard. I hear ya!


1 comment:

Leslie Hanna said...

I <3 Twitter, toooooo! :)