
Welcome to my blog! Here is where you'll finding me rambling about a variety of subjects, including my family, vintage, thrifting, Etsy shops I love, and more!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Blog Time!

I've neglected my blog long enough! So here I am...no plan of what this blog will be about. Maybe if I start rambling I'll think of something!
I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving...we sure did!

I've started decorating for Christmas...I have a ton of smaller trees around the house, with lights and Bob put the outside lights up! I'm gradually bringing Christmas stuff up from the basement. I still have so much of my shop stuff in my living room that I need to clear out so we can put our tree up!

November was an exellent month as far as sales went...let's cross our fingers for December!

Good luck to everyone, and enjoy the holiday season!


1 comment:

Memories for Life said...

Congrats on a successful month...here's to December being the same!