
Welcome to my blog! Here is where you'll finding me rambling about a variety of subjects, including my family, vintage, thrifting, Etsy shops I love, and more!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Be Proud of Yourself!

I know it's tough, believe me! We have those darn negative voices...our own thoughts, trying to bring us down!

Just stop it! Right now, I want you to think of one thing you're proud of about yourself. I don't care if it's just that you were able to get up this morning, you did it, right!?

What prompted me to write this blog was while I was on the treadmill at the rec. center this morning. I was thinking back, quite a few years back, when I first started working out at the rec. center (and that alone can be nerve-wracking!). I would only be able to walk on the treadmill for maybe 10 minutes. When I would get off, I would feel dizzy. I, of course, had to act like I wasn't dizzy, while I was almost passing out!

I could also only last 8 minutes, yes 8 minutes, on a stepper we had at home. I would push myself to make it through that 8 minutes!

So I am here to tell you be proud of yourself! You're not as bad as the voice keeps saying you are! It's okay to have pride in your accomplishments!

Be proud of being a Mom..what a wonderful job that is! But it can also be frustrating! Pat yourself on the back for being there for your kids! For me, personally, I am most proud of my children, and I did have a little to do with how wonderful they are!

Be proud of your Etsy shop! Especially if you're also a Mom! You're juggling kids and a business of your own...wow!! That's fantastic!

So just pick one thing, or more!! Try this everyday! After all, if you don't like who you are, how can you expect anyone else to like who you are!? (I know you've heard that before, but it's true!).

So lift your head up high and smile! You are doing a great job!

Best wishes!


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