
Welcome to my blog! Here is where you'll finding me rambling about a variety of subjects, including my family, vintage, thrifting, Etsy shops I love, and more!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Busy Christmas Time

I love Vintage Shiny Brite's!
It's been a busy Christmas season in all three of my Etsy shops!  I'm thankful for that, but I haven't had a chance to blog!

 One of these days I'll actually get some Christmas shopping done, hopefully before Christmas!

Be sure to buy at least a few vintage items for Christmas gifts this year!  They're unique, and just may bring back some great memories for the recipient!

I recently was reminded of one of the reasons I love vintage/antiques so much! One of my milk glass customers purchased some pretty lacy plates for her daughter-in-law because she remembered her own mother using the same plates!

Another customer (in Jenscloset) bought some 70's Anchor Hocking glasses that were the same ones he drank from when he was in the Army.  He said it reminded him of his army friends. He is now a disabled American Veteran.  Don't forget to thank our war heroes!

 I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season!  


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