
Welcome to my blog! Here is where you'll finding me rambling about a variety of subjects, including my family, vintage, thrifting, Etsy shops I love, and more!

Monday, June 8, 2009

New Update Coming Soon!

Where does the time go!? My next blog update is going to be about packaging! I have taken all the pics...step-by-step of what I do and I'm going to talk about safely packing fragile items..and about making your packages "pretty"! After all...there's so much talk about the economy, we need to appreciate each & every sale, and let our customers feel like they're receiving a gift!

In the meantime..while I was at my endurance spin class yesterday (usually 1 1/2 hrs, but we went 1 3/4-just for fun!)..I was thinking about an idea I had for a blog. I usually get my inspirations while I'm spinning (spinning, in case you don't know..is a great workout class-nothing to do with yarn).

Okay-so my idea was to talk about your choices! I know there are a lot of real things that hold us back, but I also know that there are quite a few things that hold us back, that are just that..."things"..things we make up in our own minds. Excuses why we don't exercise, why we don't open an Etsy shop...whatever, you know what I mean! Believe me, I've talked myself out of quite a few idea!

But we have choices! We can choose to be positive..we can choose to smile at the stranger in the store...we can choose to help out an elderly person struggling to get her mail! For a long time I watched my elderly neighbor, Rea, with her walker, struggle to go out into the road to get her mail. I kept thinking...I should help her! But I just kept thinking it. Finally..I did it--I walked down 3 houses and asked her if I could help her! That turned into a long term commitment, which involved my now 17 yr old son, Mark. He goes and gets her garbage once a week (before that, she would put it in her car (still using the walker) and take it to the end of the driveway and throw it to the curb.

This is not only helping Rea, it's helping a 17 yr old young man to see that he's not the only one in the world, and there are people that need our help!

Okay-anyways-Rea, who is 91 yrs "young" is an amazing lady! And she's turned out to be my friend!

So what was I saying--oh yes...choices--we have choices and we can choose not to help anyone but ourselves...we can choose not to push ourselves to do something new...whatever! You have more chooses that you can imagine!

So just do it--do that one thing you've wanted to do but haven't had the nerve to do! I've had a full year of doing new things..and have loved ever minute of it!

Best wishes to all!!


1 comment:

sbass said...

I'm all about packaging. When I sell, I love to add the small details to the package...matching paper, cards, etc. And, it's always good to know how to package the breakables.